Author: DB

  • Asking AI How It Composes Replies

    Preamble: domain authority is an indication of a website’s reliability popularity, and trustworthiness. It is not authorised, in the sense that it was dreamed up by a MOZ, a company that offers insights to help companies and individuals craft articles that will help them rank higher according to Google’s algorithm,

    So I asked AI what it was and how it uses Domain Authority – if at all

    What is domain authority?

    Domain Authority (DA) is a metric developed by Moz that predicts the likelihood of a website ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs). DA is based on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of ranking higher in search results.

    Domain Authority is determined by evaluating multiple factors, including the quality and quantity of the website’s backlinks, the age and popularity of the domain, and other factors related to the website’s content and structure.

    A website with a high DA score is considered to be more authoritative and trustworthy than a website with a low DA score. However, it is important to note that DA is just one of many factors that search engines use to determine the ranking of a website in search results. Other factors, such as relevance and quality of content, user experience, and on-page optimization, also play important roles in determining search engine rankings.

    On what basis do you give the information in one domain greater weight than the information in another domain when the data in one contradicts the other and the two domains are the only sources available to you?

    As an AI language model, I do not have beliefs or opinions, and I do not assign greater weight to information in one domain over another based on my personal biases. Instead, my responses are based on the data and information available to me, as well as the specific context and scope of the question.

    In situations where there are conflicting sources of information, it is important to consider the reliability and credibility of each source. Factors such as the methodology used to gather the data, the expertise and qualifications of the researchers or authors, and the reputation of the publication or organization can all be taken into account when assessing the credibility of a source.

    It is also important to consider any potential biases or conflicts of interest that may be present in the sources of information. For example, a study funded by a particular industry may be more likely to produce results that are favorable to that industry, while a study conducted by an independent research organization may be more objective.

    Ultimately, the decision on how to weigh conflicting information will depend on the specific situation and the individual or organization making the decision. It is important to carefully consider all available information and to be transparent about the decision-making process in order to promote transparency and accountability.

    In the context of the previous question, do you assign greater authority to information in websites that have a greater domain authority?

    Domain authority is a metric used to evaluate the credibility and trustworthiness of a website based on factors such as its age, popularity, and link profile. Websites with higher domain authority are generally considered to be more authoritative and trustworthy sources of information than websites with lower domain authority.

    However, domain authority should not be the only factor considered when evaluating the credibility and authority of a website. It is important to also consider the expertise and qualifications of the authors or researchers, the methodology used to gather and analyze the data, and any potential biases or conflicts of interest.

    In summary, while domain authority can be a useful tool for evaluating the credibility and authority of a website, it should not be the sole determining factor. It is important to consider multiple factors and sources of information when making decisions and drawing conclusions.

    Thank you. How do you handle a situation such as where you are asked for information about such and such, and, let’s say, there is a website with a high domain authority that makes a bald statement that such and such is black and twenty two websites with low domain authority that state that that such and such is white?

    In a situation like this, I would evaluate the credibility and reliability of all the sources of information available, including the website with high domain authority that states that “such and such” is black and the 22 websites with low domain authority that state that “such and such” is white.

    I would consider factors such as the expertise and qualifications of the authors or researchers, the methodology used to gather and analyze the data, and any potential biases or conflicts of interest. I would also evaluate the consistency of the information provided across multiple sources.

    If there is a significant discrepancy between the information provided by the high domain authority website and the low domain authority websites, I would seek additional sources of information and attempt to identify any possible biases or errors in the data. I would then present the available information in an objective and transparent manner, highlighting any areas of agreement and disagreement, and providing context and caveats where necessary.

    Ultimately, the decision on how to weigh conflicting information will depend on the specific situation and the individual or organization making the decision. It is important to carefully consider all available information and to be transparent about the decision-making process in order to promote transparency and accountability.

    Do you take domain authority into account when crafting a reply to a question?

    As an AI language model, I do not take domain authority into account when crafting a reply to a question. Instead, my responses are based on the data and information available to me, as well as the specific context and scope of the question.

    However, I can provide information about the concept of domain authority if it is relevant to the question being asked. Additionally, if a question specifically requests information about a particular website or source, I may take the domain authority of that website into account as one of many factors to consider when evaluating the credibility and reliability of the information provided.

    In replying to a question do you give greater weight to websites that Google ranks higher?

    As an AI language model, I do not give greater weight to websites that Google ranks higher when replying to a question. Instead, I aim to provide the most accurate and reliable information available to me, regardless of the source or ranking of the website.

    When crafting a response to a question, I evaluate the credibility and reliability of all the sources of information available, including those that may rank higher in search results. I consider factors such as the expertise and qualifications of the authors or researchers, the methodology used to gather and analyze the data, and any potential biases or conflicts of interest.

    I also take into account the specific context and scope of the question, and strive to provide a comprehensive and balanced response that considers multiple perspectives and sources of information.

    In summary, while search engine rankings may be a useful tool for identifying potential sources of information, they are not the sole determining factor in evaluating the credibility and reliability of information. As an AI language model, I aim to provide objective and accurate information that is based on multiple sources and perspectives.

  • Un Peu De Creance

    The phrase “un peu de croyance” is French and roughly translates to “a little bit of belief” or “a little bit of faith”. In the context of training a hawk, it refers to the measure of trust and confidence that the trainer needs to have in the hawk in order to train it.

    Somehow or other croyance becomes creance, and the phrase becomes un peu de creance. Creance means debt in modern French.

    The idea though is that until the bird is trained, the trainer has at most only a little faith that the bird will return, so in the training period the trainer uses a creance.

    A creance is a long, light cord used to tether a flying hawk or falcon during training.

    The creance itself is about 80 feet long, and designed to be of as little inconvenience as possible and hardly noticeable to the bird as it flies.

    Eventually, when the trainer knows the hawk will return, he removes the creance during flights.

    So that intermediate stage is un peu de creance – a bit of belief, a small measure of trust, a little faith.

  • Words and Their Origins

    Quintessential comes from quintessence, which in ancient and medieval philosophy meant the pure essence of which the heavenly bodies are composed. It is literally the fifth essence (from the Middle French word ‘quinte’) beyond the four essences of the physical world – fire, air, earth, and water.

    Motley, which nowadays means a rag-bag or varied and ill-sorted collection of people or things, has a secondary meaning that is no longer used, which is clothes that are varied in colour. It comes from the archaic word ‘mote’ meaning a spot or speck of something such as dust.

    Bumper as in ‘a bumper crop’ is an upbeat word and is derived from the very word ‘bumper’ which was the name used in the 17th century for a particular drinking vessel that was filled to the brim.

    Aristocracy is from the Greek, where it means ‘the rule of the best’.

    Milieu is from the combination of two French words meaning ‘middle + place’.

    Brawl is from a dance of the Middle Ages called the Brand, or Branle, or Brawle, that was noted for being rowdy and boisterous.

    Phew is one of those onomatopoeic words the origin of which is uncertain, but which for some reason we thought was a fairly modern word. So it was a surprise to learn there is a recorded instance of the use of the word from 1604. It is somehow pleasant and interesting to think of someone in Shakespeare’s time saying “Phew, that was a close shave.”

    Haggard is a word whose meaning has drifted from its meaning of ‘wild’ or ‘unruly’ as recorded in the 1500s, through to ‘careworn’ as recorded in the 1800s, until its meaning today.

    Othello calls Desdemona haggard when he accuses her of being an unfaithful wife, and he surely did not mean that she looked gaunt and starving. The word comes from the French, and is the adjective that was used to describe a wild falcon that has been captured young for training rather than one reared in captivity from birth.

    Lurid is an interesting word because it has meanings that are diametrically opposite. One meaning is the one we normally associate with the word, namely to describe something shocking and sensational, as in ‘the lurid details of the murder’. But there is a second meaning, which is to describe something pale in color, even death-like in its paleness. This meaning harks back to the Latin origins of the word, luridus (pale) luror (paleness).

    The attribution for this tidbit goes to Joseph Heller, in his novel Something Happened, in which the main character explains the meaning of lurid.

    Planet is an interesting word derived from the ancient Greek word meaning to wander. And that is because the planets move in the skies, unlike the stars, which appear fixed in place. Except that a sidereal day (the time it takes the Earth to rotate relative to the stars) is four minutes shorter than a solar day (the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the Sun), so that the stars do appear to wander, but very slowly, with some disappearing over the horizon as the weeks progress, while others appear over the opposite horizon.

    Frugal – meaning the sparing use of the things one has – derives from the Latin word frugi, meaning the proper profit or value obtained from something.

    That in turn derives from fructus or fruit, as in the reward from the fruit of the earth that is to be used sparingly.

    Ostracize – meaning to exclude from a group – derives from the word for potsherds (pieces of broken pottery), which was the material upon which citizens of ancient Greece wrote the names of those who they thought were a danger to the State. Anyone whose name came up repeatedly was banished or ostracized.

    Coupon – a noun meaning a printed form that offers a discount – derives from the french verb couper meaning ‘to cut’. In its narrow sense, a coupon is a detachable part of a ticket or advertisement and this is obviously where the cutting or clipping aspect originates.

    Tour – as in a tour of duty or a visit to a number of interesting places for pleasure and then back home – has its origin in the Latin ‘tonare’ meaning to round-off something as one might on a lathe, so there is that sense of visiting and returning to one’s starting point.

    Commuter is a person who purchased a commutator ticket that was introduced by US rail and road companies in the late 1800s. A commutator ticket was what we would nowadays call a season ticket. So the word commuter is really very recent.

    Slew, meaning a large number of things or animals or people originates from the Irish word sluagh meaning a large number. And it is connected to the word slogan which means the battle cry used by a large number of people.

    Agenda was originally theological and is the complementary to credenda. Credenda is a matter of faith and agenda is a matter of practise.

  • The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire of 1911

    The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire of 1911 killed 134 workers because the owner locked exit for fear that some workers would steal garments.

    But what is a shirtwaist?

    It is, says the Oxford Dictionary – a woman’s blouse resembling a shirt. Or it is a woman’s dress with a seam at the waist, its bodice incorporating a collar and button fastening in the style of a shirt.

  • Vegetarian Alternative To Gelatin

    Gelatin is usually made from collagen from fish, beef, pork or chicken. Alternatives are Agar from Japanese red algae, and Carrageenan, also from red seaweed and usually from Ireland.

  • Punting On The River Cam

    punting on the river Cam at Cambridge

    This is on the River Cam near Bridge Street in Cambridge – near where the punts are moored up and the people sit and drink and talk and look at the scene. The person with the pole is not an employed punter – employed by the punting companies. How do I know that – I don’t know; he looks too young and not agile and muscular enough (no offence) – and the clothing. Just something says he is part of the party that are in the punt.

    For anyone who happens along, the trick of punting is to drop the pole vertically right by the side of the punt where the person is standing, and push out behind as the punt moves. Drop the pole directly behind or too far out, and the chances are that the punt will start to describe the beginning of a circle. Apart from that the other thing to watch is yourself, because the pole is wet and you will get wet.