
Something else to worry about in the unstable world.

From the 2nd December issue of The Week

“An end to détente: Pyongyang’s launch of a spy satellite last week, in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions, has breached the military deal that was struck between North and South Korea in 2018 to reduce tensions along their shared border. The launch – likely facilitated by technical help from Moscow, as a quid pro quo for North Korea’s recent provision of arms – is being seen as a boost for its intercontinental ballistic missile programme (and its ability to launch nuclear strikes). In response, Seoul has made good on its threat to restart aerial reconnaissance, flouting the agreement’s ban on military manoeuvres close to the border. Pyongyang has made clear it will ditch the agreement, and Seoul said this week that the North’s troops had been seen rebuilding guard posts and stationing heavy weapons along the border.”